Marvel Studios’ Loki Season 2, is time slipping to a new date streaming October 5 at 6PM PT on Disney+.

  • @ClarkDoom
    11 year ago

    I agree with you mostly. I’ve read comics my whole life and have a decently sized collection so I should be the target audience. That said, I’ve watched every marvel movie and show and there’s a very real lack in quality in basically all of the tv shows and movies post endgame. Wanda and Loki were two that started strong and then devolved in the middle and failed the landing. The other shows were misfires from the first episode. Miss Marvel had one good episode but it was a flashback sequence the whole time but I’ll give it credit. I have no problem with Disney “milking the product” but I wish the milk was at least quality milk.

    I’ll probably get downvoted for this but these shows are made for the lowest common denominator so they’re always gonna have viewers and defenders. Most people don’t give one thought to a show’s direction and they care more about plot than an overall product. Disney knows this and it’s why I don’t think these shows will ever be “great” in the sense of other shows like Sopranos or Breaking Bad. If they made a show that was truly great I don’t think their current audience would even be able to tell and it would be a waste of money for Disney.