Hey there! I just wanted to reach out to everyone here about the tremendous support so far on the app - it’s been just incredible.

I appreciate all the discussions and suggestions popping up both here and on GitHub, and I appreciate all the support so far from the community. (I also heard that Thunder was mentioned in a few Reddit posts which was really cool to see that sort of engagement)

Here’s just a quick update on what I’ve been working on since the initial release (not an exhaustive list):

  • An in-app notification when new updates are released on GitHub
  • Focus on refactoring some code to support the ability to sign into multiple accounts
  • Addition of comment voting, and saving
  • Laying out the groundwork to eventually allow creating posts, comments, and replies
  • Small quality of life things, including the ability to toggle between light and dark themes, and bug fixes for some things that were found during testing

If there are any developers lurking in the background, I also welcome you to contribute to the project if you’re interested!

As I mentioned in some other posts, this was initially a side project for me to learn more about Flutter and related technologies while trying to build something really cool for the community. Because of this, there’s bound to be things that I may not be aware of, or that could be done better.

Again, thanks for the incredible support so far!

  • @darklightxiOPM
    41 year ago

    Thanks! That would be great - translations are currently not in yet, but I would like to make that a bigger priority in the future