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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/nunyabizz0000 on 2023-06-27 21:28:32+00:00.
So I had an employee come to me to let me know she was pregnant. My response, “okay”. She was taken back from my lack of interest and enthusiasm, and fellow employees also seemed bothered by my response.
So AITA bc I didn’t ask more questions, or congratulate the person on the pregnancy. I wasn’t rude, or mean… just very matter-the-fact.
EDIT: to clarify my management mindset… I care more about my people than the companies Bottomline. I believe work is not the most important thing in the world. I made and will make all the proper accommodations when the time comes. I aim to have the employees stress free and to spend the minimal time here while providing the maximum compensation.
Surely it is easy to judge how happy (or not) they are to be pregnant? Are they smiling?! If so, then a quick congratulations are in order, and maybe follow up with “when are you due?” No need to go overboard with all the extravagant promises about doing everything you possibly can - be careful about setting expectations too high if you can’t deliver.