My top two ended up being measured templates and placeable items. The former because of how valuable I think it is to have spell auras automatically appear (without having to make a macro using Token Auras). The latter was because I often want to put items on the map for players, but have to make a journal container for them, which is decently annoying.

I also threw terrain and cover in there, because it’s a little annoying to determine, and I’m starting to play more PF2e, and that’s a really cool aspect of that system.

Curious to hear about others’ use cases and priorities, or what workarounds they use for the issues I mentioned above.

  • @Ekpu
    42 years ago

    I am on the same side regarding the “production values”. As much as i like nice features, in the end I have limited prep time. If I can spare prep time though usability features I would rather use it to prep more content than to use more features. This also extends to the actual play session. If there are too many features I often have to think about how to use them and that is distracting during the session.

    Therefore I like the improved fog of war and I like the scene types.