Outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley has “appropriate measures” to ensure his safety, he said this week in his first public response to shocking comments made by former President Donald Trump suggesting that the Army general is a traitor who deserves execution.

Trump last week accused Milley of going behind his back to communicate with China during the final months of the Trump administration. Milley, who was nominated to be chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by Trump, is set to leave his military leadership post at the end of the month. The general has stood by his communications with China and said he wishes that Trump hadn’t made his comments on Friday.

“I’ll take appropriate measures to ensure my safety and the safety of my family,” Milley said.

  • @captainlezbian
    410 months ago

    Because he’s giving them what they want and they know that democracy won’t do that. This is the party of REDMAP and Gingrich and Goldwater and shutting down polling places in poor and predominantly black areas. Trump escalated it sure, but he was more the one willing to say things that they were afraid were political suicide. That’s why they distanced themselves but fell in line. When no backlash came they rode it out. There aren’t any people in 2023 carefully weighing their options between trump and Biden, just people acting on their emotions and allegiances.

    At what point do you accept that you’ve been one of the bad guys? At what point do you accept that the friends and family who cut ties with you over this were right? How far back do you have to look at your affiliation? Was it ok for you to have voted for McCain, romney, bush, Reagan?