I’m in tech and working with a guy on a very small project, but I’m definitely not able to make ends meet (thankfully family & friends have pulled me out several months lately). I’ve also been looking for a stop-gap job until I find a tech company that actually knows how to hire. But even that seems to be really difficult.

Like most ADHDers, I have a processing disorder. Grocery stores trigger panic attacks. Monotony also triggers it. I’m also not good with detail-oriented tasks (so that leaves something like electronics manufacturing off the table).

But I am a hard worker. No matter the pay, I will go above and beyond for my team to get a job done.

I’m scouring indeed and Craigslist trying to find something I can get in the interim.

For other ADHDers, what has your experience been doing a receptionist job? Is it ADHD hell? Or am I over-blowing the mistakes I’d probably make into major catastrophes? I realize it all depends on the employer. But what stories do people have (positive or negative) who have been receptionists?

  • @PlanetOfOrdOP
    31 year ago

    Thanks! Valuable insight.

    I’m definitely a proponent of using my downtime to find ways of making the job better, but I realize I need to be careful. During a fulfillment job I had during quiet times I usually cracked open the Windows PowerShell to see if I could improve processes with any programming scripts. Not sure if it’s what got me fired, but I’d imagine it didn’t help things. 😆