Sounds bad to be so judgemental, but day after day at the park, the most misbehaved dogs tend to be owned by those who sit at dog parks and chat, smoke, bring random lawn chairs etc…

The breeds of dog also tend to be the same, ‘pitbullish’ style or cane Corso, or those dogs so small and yappy.

It’s somewhat frustrating. If I see more then 1 or 2 people sitting, I know there is most likely going to be some altercation between dogs and there usually is…

Is it the same in your area?

  • DiploRaucous
    1 year ago

    “Wherever they want” meaning not at a park because they think their dog is just too good to get hit by a car. Hence why they aren’t at parks and thus op is only finding poorly behaved dogs there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯