I’m posting this in Conservative because Discourse Magazine is produced by The Mercatus Center at George Mason University, a conservative think thank.

It’s always fascinating to me when reactionary institutions produce pieces like this.

In her new book “The Soul of Civility: Timeless Principles to Heal Society and Ourselves,” Alexandra Hudson makes the case that these trends are real and disturbing. But she argues that addressing the merger of politics and entertainment and the politicization of the quotidian doesn’t require big, elite-driven social change. Rather, it begins with each of us—and daily decisions we make about how we relate to others.

  • @archiotterpup
    41 year ago

    Republicans want to force children to have babies. Evil. Republicans want to institute a theocracy. Evil. Republicans want an ethnonationalist state. Evil Republicans hate gay people. Evil (to me). Republicans rape and pillage the planet for short term profits. Evil.

    See how easy that is? Just saying shit is evil doesn’t make it evil.

    Because you, to me, are evil. But you don’t think you’re evil.