• @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    You’re still doing it, despite multiple people pointing out that someone’s pay doesn’t mean they are the most qualified.

    What lesson are you trying to get people to take away here? Because “gender and race are irrelevant” and “the highest paid people in the room (who happen to mostly be white men) are the most qualified” are exclusive messages. You’re also very insistent on casting only women and minorities as getting jobs for reasons other than their qualifications.

    Do you think Elon Musk is the most qualified person working at Space X?

    • Night Monkey
      1 year ago

      Doing what? 😂 I’m against discrimination. I don’t believe anybody should be held to a higher standard because of sex/gender and skin color. How is this a controversial opinion? I don’t know how else to say it.

      Elon musk is the most qualified boss of space x. He created it, he funded it, he leads it and they are doing great things. It’s his business and he can run it how he sees fit. What’s the problem there? I feel like I’m talking circles here.