Trouble with diagnosis? I do my research, I listen to professionals and data, I gradually unlearn incorrect thoughts around being disabled

Trouble with mobility aids? I do my research, I adapt to using them, I gradually unlearn incorrect thoughts around using aids

Gaining weight? I’m bad and terrible and gross, and the fact that I think this despite having so many bigger fish to fry means I can add shallow and weak to the list

C’mon brain, you don’t have the spare bandwidth for this nonsense!

  • KnitwearOPM
    1 year ago

    Very kind and thoughtful words.

    When you’re chronically/long term ill there is a pressure or expectation, internal and/or external, to be very stoic and sensible because now you have to deal with The Serious Side of Life. So to do all that, to adapt in body and mind, but still not unlearn the deeply silly programming we all deal with in terms of body image is frankly hilarious. We all know it’s nonsense. And yet. That stuff is ingrained.

    I have a long list of reasons to not like my body, and I would never dream of it. I’m proud of what it has coped with. And yet.