So yeah, anyone else have a harder time getting out of bed than should be reasonable?

Like, sure I have insomnia issues at times, but most of the time I’m fine on the falling asleep end - it’s just getting up that’s difficult.

First - I don’t think my ADHD part of my brain wants to let go of all the fantastic things that happen in lucid dreams.

Second - no matter what I do, I never seem to feel rested in the morning anymore. Weekends can see me sleeping 10+ hours before I feel a semblance of “normal”.

Some might say “oh you should just get up and get started” and I do sometimes! But you just might find me dozing off in a chair a couple hours later.

FWIW - It’s been like this most of my adult life. Ever since adolescence particularly. You could find me napping, completely upright, in the back of a classroom. (My teachers never cared because I’d still come in the next day and ace the finals/midterms).

I desperately miss the perceived energy of my youth. I’d be up at 4AM to watch super early cartoons (Sonic, Sailor Moon, Animaniacs - in that order) and never felt the need for a nap in the day. It wouldn’t even matter if I feel asleep late back then - getting up was just that much easier.

Anyone here with similar issues? How do you cope?

  • Nanachi
    01 year ago

    Blood flow may be a problem- hypersomnia causes less blood flow to the cns- try taking up on regular aerobic exercises and mild blood thinner supplements like ginkgo / ginseng (ask your doctor idk) for better flow, also see sunlight more often, it is good for many of us