It’s basically a comedy with the subtlety of a guy repeatedly screaming “I am beating you with a sledgehammer” as he hits you with a sledgehammer.

The joke is that everyone is dumb and the future and its painfully spoon-fed to the audience ad nusuesm. And now 15 years later everyone constantly brings up that movie when ever something happens and its the most over commented thing I’ve ever seen. It makes me hate the movie more. Its the peak movie for pseudo intellectuals.

  • Bahnd Rollard
    1 year ago

    The people who think its a prediction or the direction society is headding are directly the type of people the film is making fun of. Similar to the people who get pissed off at Monty Python’s “Life of Brian”, both films make simple points (Idiocracy points out a misunderstanding on how education and general intelligence work, and runs with it. Life of Brian directly ridcules people who are bad listeners) and their detractors just sorta walk into the point the film was trying to make in the first place.

    Also in Idiocracy, Terry Crews’s character knows they dont understand something, they find someone who knows more on the subject than they do, and listens to them. That is the single most unrealistic part of the film. /s