Jobs that either don’t contribute in any meaningful way or jobs where one would be better off if they were paid to be on call.

  • @MajorHavoc
    11 months ago

    That is so cool. Thank you for sharing it.

    It reminds me of what makes me continue to be bearish on BitCoin.

    I worked at a pretty advanced technical place, with a woman, let’s call her Janet.

    If the system misplaced 2 cents, Janet would hunt you down and make you find it.

    All that tech could melt down tomorrow, and I would still do business there, as long as Janet was there.

    If the entire world economy collapses, I will still bank with Janet.

    If Janet is using pen and paper, I trust that’s good enough for me. If Janet is using one massive Excel file, fine by me. If Janet starts accepting payment in weirdly shaped rocks, I will accept weirdly shaped rocks as payment, too.

    And when Janet adopts BitCoin, then I’ll be all-in on BitCoin.