Here is a photo series I did during covid when all the restaurants and cafes were closed. I was trying to get a bit of a disconnected feeling but at the same time longing for that restaurant experience again. This is why I went with the shitty weather, looking in approach. Luckily we have all that back now. I never really did anything with the series. The ramen one is probably my favourite which was the one I shot first. Let me know what you thing of this as a series.

  • LabototmizedM
    11 year ago

    I agree but I think the cream bun is the best photo! I think the ramen photo is a little too busy and I like the juxtaposition of the candle, cream bun, and the hand. And how that leads you up to the face that we can’t quite see. Kind of a mysterious vibe as you said, but I feel that having the face out of frame makes it easy for your mind to kind of put anyone there and I think that makes it a little more relatable for me at least.