

A month before the enemy began to actively storm Avdiivka. A month of fierce battles, endurance and feats of our defenders, who continue to heroically hold the defense.

During this time, our soldiers destroyed more than 100 enemy tanks, 250 other armored vehicles, about fifty artillery systems and 7 Su-25 aircraft. The enemy’s total losses in manpower amount to about ten thousand people.

Thanks to the brigades, our units. Infantrymen, gunners, tankers, scouts, operators of air defense systems, medics. To every defender, every defender who defends Avdiivka.

I bow my head to those on the shield. Eternal memory and honor.

Glory to our Heroes! Glory to Ukraine!


  • @Eheran
    21 year ago

    Sure, but their loses are super unsustainable. They can dig in all they want - if nothing and nobody is left to defend, that will not do anything.