I am not a computer engineer or a software developer. I have never set up a server in my life. I want to set up a server on my old computer by watching videos and doing the same things that were done. Is there a video that will tell me how to set up our own server as if I were 5 years old? We will be very happy if someone who knows can prepare this video and share it with us. Edit:To host my own “lemmy” account

  • @Billy_Gnosis
    12 years ago

    Can you elaborate on that? I’ve been looking at doing this as well, but the videos I found either didn’t go into a step by step process or they assumed the user had certain things set up or had a certain level of knowledge already, so they skip a lot of things .

    I was under the impression that you could set up a server and run Docker? that would have all of the various apps in one location. Is this not right?