It’s my turn to set the Community Challenge for this week…
The God of Heart Transplants
Referencing Aztec mythology to re-imagine a once terrifying deity, into a healing one, who now guides surgeons in their work’
This weeks theme is ‘Old Gods, New Jobs’
Past civilizations had deity’s for everything, ones that helped explain natural phenomena, others that governed all aspects of everyday life… there was even one for door hinges
You are tasked with creating Gods/Goddesses for our modern life, they can be referenced from the past or be entirely new creations
Follow the community’s rules above all else
One comment and image per user
Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun)
At the end of the week each post will be scored according to the following grid
Prize Points Most upvoted +3 points Second most upvoted +1 point Theme is clear +1 point OP’s favorite (me, this week) +1 point Most original +1 point Last entry (to compensate for less time to vote) +1 point Prompt and workflow included +1 point -
Posts that are ex aequo will both get the points
Winner gets to pick next theme! Good luck everyone and have fun!
Past entries
- Dieselpunk
- Goosebump Book
- Deep Space Wonders
- Fairy Tales
- A New Sport
- Monsters are Back to School
- War and Peace
- Distant lands
- Unreal Cartoons
- Sustainable Ecumenopolis
- Masks
- Mascots
I’m looking forward to seeing your creations
edit formatting!
@LemmysMumEnglish7•1 year ago