A St. John’s man on the brink of homelessness is facing the possibility of losing his son due to a lack of housing options for people with kids.

Tristen Keats, who turns 27 this month, lives with his mother and his three-year-old son, Jacoby, in a small basement apartment that is advertised for only one person.

“Here we are now with people living on the side of the street in tents,” Keats said. “Me and him are just about there now, right? We got a couple months.”

They are running out of time, as his mother’s landlord has given them a few months to find a new place.

He and his son are among the many people caught in the housing crisis that is sweeping across the country and hitting Newfoundland and Labrador. Social housing and emergency shelters are in high demand, leading many people to take the only home they’ve known for months — a tent — and station themselves in public spaces around St. John’s.

And if facing homelessness is tough, when children are involved, the struggle can be worse.

  • aubertlone
    111 months ago

    You are just putting words in my mouth now!

    I skimmed thru every comment I made in this thread just in case.

    I never called you a motherfucker. I said you suck and have out of date views.

    I only ever even started being rude after i shared an admittedly slightly off-topic meme and then you said something along the lines of “can’t you read?”. At that point I was like if this guy’s being rude I guess there’s no need to hold back.

    And last but not least, no I’m not virtue signaling. I would rent to someone who has tattoos.

    At the same time, no I wouldn’t rent to a gang member. No the two groups aren’t mutually exclusive. There is some overlap. But it’s just crazy to say “hmmm this guy has tattoos he might be a degenerate”. There’s so many more ways to ensure that you’re getting an honest renter.

    Like, maybe a credit check? I imagine a gang member would either have bad credit or no credit.

    I’m pretty sure it’s legal to do a background check as well. At the very least, it’s possible to include a clause in the lease that the renter has to pass a background check based on your specifications before the lease is valid.

    So, in summation:

    I am NOT virtue signaling. I think you’re being a dumbass and using stereotypes to exclude people. Why bother? Like seriously there’s economic and legal reasons to turn away potential rentors. I will never argue against that. That is your legal right as a landlord.

    The article that this post links to talks about a young man and his son getting kicked out his mom’s apartment soon due to zoning laws. We have gotten so far off the point originally talking about…