The Israel Defense Forces releases surveillance camera footage from Shifa Hospital showing Hamas terrorists bringing a Nepali and Thai citizen who were abducted from Israel on October 7 to the medical center.

    1 year ago

    From the article:

    One of the hostages is visibly wounded in his arm and is brought on a hospital bed, while the second is forcefully dragged into the hospital


    In an evening press conference, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says the two wounded hostages were later taken by Hamas to hideouts, and that the Red Cross was unable to visit them. He says their locations are currently unknown.

    So, you’re wrong about both assertions. The IDF themselves say they were both wounded, and that after treatment they were moved to a different location. The source also doesn’t indicate they’re both dead now, you’re just making shit up.

    • kescusay
      1 year ago

      OK, I’ll take my lumps. You’re right, I missed that when I skimmed the article. I was wrong.

      That said, this is still a situation in which Hamas injured two civilians, abducted them, forcibly dragged one of them into a hospital that is now clearly known to have been at least partially a Hamas front, and is still holding them against their will (assuming they are still alive). The fact that they aren’t known to have committed the final atrocity - yet - to these two hostages does not magically make them the good guys in this.

        1 year ago

        Hamas are not the good guys. That doesn’t make the hospital the bad guys, and it doesn’t make everyone in Gaza complicit. Your inability to separate different actors in this scenario is limiting your perspective and objectivity.

        1 year ago

        Nobody’s calling Hamas the good guys. We’re pushing back on the narrative that the hospital itself is somehow involved and thus exempt from the normal protections in war.

        Hospitals will treat anyone that comes in by default, and in the case of a Gazan hospital, what choice would they even have anyway? You can’t call the authorities if Hamas are the (de facto) authorities. You treat the hostage and get them to GTFO as fast as possible before you get bombed.

        You are falling for the IDF narrative that says all Palestinians are Hamas, as if they have any kind of choice in the matter.

      • Aceticon
        1 year ago

        I some mob enforcer shot some guy “to teach him a lesson” and then brough him to a Hospital so that he wouldn’t die, would that make the Hospital a “Mob HQ” and justify a military attack on it that killed innocents being treated and working there?!

        There is no such thing as Guilt By Association except in the “they’re all the same” of racist-logic, so one wonders how exactly anybody who is not a racist could ever go from “IDF video of Hamas bringing hostages for treatment in a Hospital” to “This justifies the IDF’s military attack on that hospital and associated civilian deaths”.

        • kescusay
          1 year ago

          Oh, for fuck’s sake… Stop reading stuff into my comments that isn’t there. I didn’t justify Israel’s attack on the hospital. I said it’s known that the hospital is at least partially a front for Hamas, which should surprise zero people, since Hamas is a terrorist organization that uses civilian Palestinians as human shields.

          The whole situation is fucked up because there are no right answers when an organization is willing to do that. It’s an effective - if psychotic - tactic, since only other psychotics would attack a building that is, yes, also a functional hospital.

          And the accusation of racism - for pointing out that nothing Hamas does with hostages other than letting them go (or better yet, never injuring and taking them hostage in the first place) is good, and that we don’t know if the hostages in the video are even still alive, let alone actually treated there - is ridiculous.

          Hamas is not Palestine, and Palestine is not Hamas. Palestinians are victimized by Hamas as much, if not more, than the Israeli civilians they murdered, because Palestinians have lived under their brutal rules for decades, and speaking out has long been a great way to get murdered along with one’s entire family.

          I’m not taking Israel’s side, here. Yes, they were attacked first, and horrifically. But their response has also been horrific, and their oppression of Gaza has given Hamas oxygen it wouldn’t otherwise have had in the first place.

          There are no easy answers now. Anyone who tells you they know who the good guys and bad guys are and how to solve this is a lying scumbag. And it doesn’t help when we don’t look honestly at Hamas and recognize its terrorist tactics for what they are.

          • Aceticon
            1 year ago

            Only it’s not “known that the hospital is at least partially a front for Hamas” and as you yourself ended up admitting, that can’t be concluded tfrom this video.

            The only source for that idea that the hospital is a front for Hamas comes from the IDF in the form of unverified self-serving statements and videos just like this, which cannot be trusted unless corroborated by an independent source and sometimes end up being publicly shown as complete fabrications (such as the “weapons in the hospital” video were it ended up being spotted by none other than CNN that the weapons had been put there by the IDF as some weren’t there in a video the IDF made before allowing the external Press in for filming).

            You can’t really use uncorroborated pieces of “information” from those who kill people to justify their killings, and in this war this applies just as much to the IDF as it does to Hamas.

            You might want to ask yourself why you implictly trust uncorroborated self-serving “information” coming from one set of people killing innocents - believing in both would be naivety, believing a very specific one is something else altogether, especially when the one side you implicitly choose to believe are the guys openly bombing UN schools and with a 10x bigger body count: it takes quite an internal emotional link to a very specific group of people to keep on trusting them implicitly after they’ve killed over 10k civilians and bombed several UN schools.

            By this point anybody who is not driven by an irrational love for one of those groups neither trusts the IDF nor Hamas.