• @force
    10 months ago

    Yeah except the left isn’t calling to genocide or punish people for voting right-wing politicians in lmao. But the far right is supporting genocide and is propogating hatred & genocide of LGBT, poor people, minorities, leftists, etc. which you can clearly see by laws that are being passed right now in Europe and especially the US, like Florida trying to make wearing drag punishable by death & many parts of the country passing laws labelling public homosexuality/trans as a “sex crime”, bans on books which have these subjects all around the country, a wide variety of laws being passed targetting minorities in many European countries spurred by anti-immigrant & anti-LGBT sentiment… Then of course you have the good old fashion wealth divide which is especially present in the US, which by not taking a stance against the people in power you are just causing to continue…

    You are enabling right wing extremists. You are voting these people in and your argument for it is “b-but i made up something the left wants to do! i saw a few people on twitter say this so it’s true!” Meanwhile we have real examples of the right wing supporting & causing genocide in real time extremely frequently and across the entire first world, yet that doesn’t seem to bother you as much as fake people in your head.

    There is no stance on the right that you can morally pick and choose from like centrists like to say they do, everything in the modern day’s right-wing is meant to oppress certain groups and/or to consolidate power in other groups. The only things I could maybe give you a pass on for agreeing with the right are “i don’t like high taxes” (which itself is a naïve position because it usually means "i don’t like high taxes for the rich, but if you mean you don’t like high taxes for the lower/middle class then that’s understandable) or “we should regulate immigration”.

    The meme in the post is definitely an over-exaggeration for comedic effect. No centrist would actually say they support some genocide. But the point is you are the main group enabling these people to come to power and do these horrible things by not taking a hard stance against them, and a relevant thing is the “both sides” rhetoric which is tossed around all the time (and which i used to subscribe to as a former “center/right libertarian”). I hate tankies too, but that is not an excuse to enable fascism. I used to be hardcore conservative, I know right-wingers aren’t born hateful people and they’re just brainwashed, and most most of the left has the same rational opinion, partly because many or dare I say most of the left in the US and some of Europe was born and raised around the same right-wing extremist-religious hateful garbage that’s so common. Doesn’t mean you can “talk them out of it” though, it took me years to come to terms with that fact that modern right-wing beliefs are wrong. Especially fascists/neo-nazis as you bring up, they have the hate programmed into them by their environment practically, are usually surrounded by it all the time pulling them in like a black hole, and it takes a lot more than gentle words to get it out of them, with most examples taking over a decade of prison/gulag/CCP brainwashing/some other immoral and unreliable method to make them change their mind.