Chicago vs. worst ranking, based on
Yearly Crime Rates per 100,000 people
Violent crime, total : 17th worst in USA
Murder (&…) : 14th worst

All cities which are worse than Chicago are at least three times smaller.

  • @A_AOP
    1 year ago

    it is like you said :

    (…) number of violent crimes per year divided by the population equals 1% (…)

    Yearly Crime Rates per 100,000 people
    Violent crime, total :
    1 Missouri St. Louis 2,082.29 (2.08%)
    2 Michigan Detroit 2,056.67
    3 Maryland Baltimore 2,027.01

    17 Illinois Chicago 1,098.86 (1.1%)

    if those crimes were spread most equality (nobody is victim of 2 crimes) then, after 30 years in a 1.5% City you have accumulated 45% chances of being a victim.