Pretty much the title. I’ve been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

I think it’s easy for us normies to respect other people and their property because there are clear consequences for violating social norms. But what would the average person do if they had super powers?

  • @royal_starfish
    210 months ago

    Thing is if you stop time you would also stop yourself, so either you can move stupidly quickly(or even FTL, which means physics just goes out the window, since the entirety of your body can’t convert that much energy to go even 1% the speed of light, so either you would have to somehow inject massive amounts of energy into your body which will still only grant you a short amount of time, not to mention medical complications; or you literally generate energy out of nowhere, which at that point you might as well be a god);

    or everything else stops, which means you can’t breath unless you also control air around you, and if you can control air particles around you, why not other types of particles? And once you can control any types particles you might as well be a god since what’s stopping you from literally doing bloody nuclear fusion and turning the entire planet into a star?

    So basically if you can stop time you are literally a god Or you defy the laws of physics which also makes you basically a god Or you die while stopping time which would kinda be weird as you just kinda suffocated to death out of nowhere