• @[email protected]
    10510 months ago

    “I don’t want them to advertise,” Musk said at the New York Times DealBook Summit in New York. “If someone is going to blackmail me with advertising or money go fk yourself. Go. Fk. Yourself,” he said.

    Some people think being wealthy proves that a person is smarter than everyone else or has some special skill that makes them more valuable to society. Then there’s the richest man in the world who thinks it’s a good idea to curse out his company’s primary source of revenue.

    • @Waluigis_Talking_Buttplug
      9210 months ago

      I like to imagine what I could have done if my father owned an emerald mine and I could have afforded multiple prestigious universities

      My Dad cooked meth in the early 2000s and I dropped out of community college at 17 because my Mom had brain cancer.

      I always just look at people who don’t see the benefits of standing on the shoulders of others as entitled and childish.

      • @[email protected]
        1210 months ago

        The secret is that you have to have emerald mining money without emerald mining parents if you get me.

        My dream is to raise my kids middle class and surprise them when they graduate college with 5-figure (or if we’re dreaming, maybe 6-figure) lump sums to set them up for life. All the generational wealth without the spoiled attitude.

      • @[email protected]
        1010 months ago

        If Elon musk had been in your position, he wouldn’t have dropped out. I mean that in a negative way towards him, because obviously dropping out makes sense if you’re a normal human in that situation (my sister did the same for the same reason, and it fucked her too).

        But musk is egotistical and wouldn’t give a fuck about his mom’s cancer if it stood in his way

        • @captainlezbian
          410 months ago

          Yeah I powered through and stayed in college while taking care of my mom for the same condition and it was an intense level of difficult where I’m extremely grateful that I was able to not need to financially support myself or her. I can’t imagine someone able to do all three things well, and I wasn’t the only one caring for my mom, I was just the one most able to drive her to things like doctors appointments

      • @littlewonder
        910 months ago

        I hope things are looking up for you after those hard times ❤️

      • @[email protected]
        710 months ago

        That’s part of it though. He was born with insane privilege and no amount of premature balding humbled him.

        You were born with hardship and learned humility and empathy. You would cringe at doing the sorts of things that make someone a billionaire.

      • bedrooms
        210 months ago

        Give the money back to your Apartheid victims. That’s the only correct answer.

    • @Kittengineer
      1410 months ago

      lol of course he thinks the companies are “blackmailing him” and not that the companies don’t want to advertise in the cesspool he has turned twitter into.

      Even if you didn’t like twitter before, it’s much worse now than Elon has worked his magic. Why would companies want to pay money to have their brands side by side with nazi posts.

      • @piecat
        510 months ago

        It’s the “free market in action” when we’re forced to keep a job for healthcare, pay for things like food and rent.

        But it’s “blackmail” when it’s against a billionaire’s company.


    • @xkforce
      1010 months ago

      But the market never misallocates resources and if it does its the evil gubments fault! -some plutocratic sycophant

      • gregorum
        210 months ago

        “Something something damn regulations, something something taxation is theft!”

    • @takeda
      810 months ago

      I’m willing to bet xitter have some unofficial sources of revenue. Foreign sources.