Spreadsheet Screenshot Index (up to down):

  • Image 1: Seasonal Tunes - S27 Spring (30th Nov - 7th Dec)
  • Image 2: S27 Spring (DLC Expansion Maps)
  • Image 3: S27 New Reward + DLC Car Tunes
  • SaenuOPM
    11 year ago

    Updated my weekly tune post with some tunes worth using for the new seasonal reward cars (Rossion Q1 & Lincoln Continental), tested by yours truly 👍

    Also added a new Wuling tune for the Trial championship, and a couple of extra cars/tunes for the PR Stunts. Some of the Rossion Q1 tunes can work well for the Rally Adventure Apex (Road) championship too!

    (Rossion livery by jensmann4138)