See title

  • @xkforce
    310 months ago

    You know why that is? The goa’uld carried the show. Once they weren’t the biggest threat anymore, there wasn’t really anywhere to go. SG1 relied on Earth being the scrappy underdog on the verge of being wiped out. Each individual goa’uld could act as the big bad of the week, get defeated and you know that there’d be another one to take its place the next week. The goa’uld were simultaneously familiar, threatening and varied. Once they were out of the way, the replicators and ori got wiped out a good season or two after being introduced. They didn’t have the staying power that the Goa’uld did. And worse, near the end of the series, when youve killed what are effectively gods, how do you create tension? Earth is basically an interstellar power, SG1 are essentially demigods and the biggest threats are effectively gone.