Anyone have a good approach/recipe for 100% whole wheat pizza? I’m pretty experienced making pizza at home, but my usual pie is only 40% white whole wheat and 60% white bread flour. Now I’m trying to go to 100% whole wheat for health reasons, which I realize is a tall order for pizza.

The last time I tried this, I did a short knead and then a bunch of stretch and folds over a couple hours to develop more structure. Then I refrigerated for my usual 72 hours (because sourdough). But I think due to all the time at room temp with the stretches and folds, the dough got too active and was overproofed by the time I got to shaping the pie. And then it tore and was a big mess.

So any tips? Anyone else brave enough to try this? I’m not above adding gluten. Should I just lose the stretch and fold and knead longer so as not to get the starter too active? Alternatively, if this is just plain dumb, what’s the highest percentage you can go with whole wheat on pizza before things get silly?

Current recipe for two pies:

  • 562 grams white whole wheat flour
  • 370 grams water
  • 120 grams ripe sourdough starter
  • 19 grams olive oil
  • 11 grams fine salt
  • 6 grams sugar

(It’s vaguely NY style, in case that matters.)

EDIT: I posted an update on this.

  • @wittenOP
    12 years ago

    Got it, yeah, that makes sense. I think I’ll go at it from both sides. Develop more gluten (perhaps by bumping up the hydration/autolyse as you suggest) and also make sure not to let the dough get over-proofed. Thank you!