… *cringe*


It’s a joke and at the same time it’s not.
Isn’t it ironic how the most typical casual greeting formula, aiming at establishing a friendly connection to the other, can be like a torture – exactly because no honest answer is expected.

    11 year ago

    yes! I’m much better at communicating my inner states through music, movement, and behaviors.

    When people ask me how I’m doing, I want to respond by saying, “Look at what I’m doing and guess, because that’s what I’m going to do.”

    them: how are you doing?

    me: I don’t know. I’m maniacally cleaning the house…so I probably feel disorganized, like things are out of control, and energetic.

    them: woah, I didn’t know things were that bad.

    me: they’re not because I’m cleaning the house.

    them: I’m so confused 🤔

    me internally: and I’m supposed to be the disordered one 🙄