This forum is primarily dedicated to higher quality posts and discussions. Those are welcome from everyone but will be filtered by the moderators. In order to foster more discussion, we have decided to start a weekly stickied discussion thread for the subreddit. This discussion thread is a place for people to post things that are more casual regarding subjective idealism, and things that are more exploratory. Here is a place for individuals to propose ideas and ask questions and figure out subjective idealism.

  • @syncretikOPM
    12 years ago

    It IS you in an ultimate sense. But there a difference between what you consciously control and what is operating subconsciously in your mind. You can make what is subconscious conscious, but while it is subconscious it is not conscious (granted that this is a continuum). So, you might say you are growing all the trees. But you’re not doing that consciously, and you probably can’t just snap your fingers and make them all start to ‘un-grow’ back into seeds. That power is operating mostly unconsciously and is othered.

    Originally commented by u/AesirAnatman on 2017-08-08 01:56:26 (dlacpqq)