It’s interesting to hear from the other side and thank you for the reply. I can acknowledge that what you are saying is true. The peace of mind of not having to deal with said responsibilities, has a value and therefore a cost. Tenants also have the freedom to move out whenever they want.
However, grievances arise when:
Landlord overcharges.
Landlord doesn’t take their responsibilities and leaves their property to deteriorate with paying tenants (read: human beings) still in them. It doesn’t help when said landlord owns a nice villa and a couple of boats.
Tenant stays in one apartment for 30 years, realizing they have been given the short end of the stick. The issue is further exacerbated when combined with point #1 or #2.
It’s a mix. There are people out there with genuine grievances, while at the same time others are very happy with renting their current apartments. I’ve seen both, personally.
It’s interesting to hear from the other side and thank you for the reply. I can acknowledge that what you are saying is true. The peace of mind of not having to deal with said responsibilities, has a value and therefore a cost. Tenants also have the freedom to move out whenever they want.
However, grievances arise when:
It’s a mix. There are people out there with genuine grievances, while at the same time others are very happy with renting their current apartments. I’ve seen both, personally.