“If we allow Putin to win this war by dragging it out, and he somehow wins it by exhausting everybody else, then we will suffer the consequences. And the consequences would be incredibly severe for Europe, for Britain, for the world,” Shapps said.

  • @MotoAsh
    9 months ago

    That’s literrally all of the UN talks… Why Putin doesn’t want them in, why Ukraine wants in ASAP before this invasion is even over.

    When countries openly attack other countries, even if it’s just their military, it is going to war. Definitionally. Multiple countries, especially another superpower, going to war with/for Russia, would almost definitionally be starting ww3.

    The ENTIRE POINT of the political strategies have been to keep more countries from openly joining. (and to demotivate Putin, but he’s a weak old man with a fragile ego, so Russia is fucked)