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  • buy organic food with no preservatives
  • look ingredients
  • salt (inorganic preservative)

Image of a cat looking down at the camera.

  • @AeonFelis
    1 year ago

    I imagine the USDA as a tired underpaid fast-food employee that has to deal with moronic entitled customers.

    - “I want an organic strawberry!”
    - “I already explained to you that strawberries cannot be grown without non-organic pesticide.”
    - “Are you telling me no?!”
    - “I’m telling you that what you want is agriculturally impossible.”
    - “Do you have any idea who I am!?”
    - “Ugh… you know what? Okay.”
    * Takes a perfectly regular “non-organically” grown strawberry.
    * Slaps an “organic” label on it.
    - “Here you go. One organic strawberry. Thank you for shopping with USDA!”
    - “Was that so hard?”