… and I wonder why I’m no longer drinking.

I stopped because I only wanted more after my first. This was a problem as me and my friends were doing this every every in the weekend.

Stopping with drinking was a huge relief as I no longer suffered from crippling hangovers.

This is now years ago and my life, and the people around me, has changed. Everyone calmed down with the drinks and is no longer going on benders. People now drink casually as “normal” people do.

I wonder if I could do it because I do miss the taste of the drinks and slight buzz. On the other hand I feel blessed to have discovered this secret power of a life without alcohol and hangovers.

  • @AteshgaRubyTeethOP
    21 year ago

    In the past I was very absolute in many ways and I’ve changed this in other aspects in my life.

    I’m wondering if I can do the same with alcohol.

    It just feels like I have something special by not drinking for this many years.