Ground-breaking research identifies 15 factors that significantly raise chance of developing illness

Alcohol misuse, coming from a lower socioeconomic background, loneliness and having a hearing impairment are among 15 factors found to significantly increase the risk of early-onset dementia, according to a “groundbreaking” study.

Almost 4 million people worldwide experience dementia symptoms before they are 65, with 370,000 people newly diagnosed each year.

While previous research has found that lifestyle changes can cut the risk of dementia among older people, the authors of the new study said this was the first finding that suggested the risk of early-onset dementia could be reduced in the same way.

  • @paddirn
    19 months ago

    Well, F. I get this all the time. I even get it sometimes when I’m just sitting and stretch my back, which is what I’ll usually do before standing just to avoid getting it while standing up. Just one more reason I guess to avoid alcohol altogether, don’t need to add to the problem. I had stopped because of higher cholesterol, but this kind of seals the deal.