There are a lot of leftist communities, there are a lot of science communities, but not many leftist hacker/scientist/engineering communities because those types of communities are often libertarian and believe in tech saviourism bullshit

even if you just want to learn, we can help you, teach you computer science, programming, or just want to hear what communist hackers are up to

like i’m pro bitcoin, pro taking bitcoins from libertarians and selling it back to them. never buy, always sell.

I used the word hacker, but honestly i hate the word hacker:

"If you know me at all

You know my very negative associations with the word #hacker

Despite 2600 efforts; label has caused me a lot of pain + grief + hardship

Why almost laughable when ppl on the internet self label that

Put that in your profile when w/o even accused of a crime- you show up to your house to find intelligence agents sitting around waiting for you" - Ekis (creator of shy community)

  • ekisOP
    39 months ago

    Oh, please don’t feel less than for not knowing about crazy bullshit, people into technology believe; you are probably better off not knowing; but I will go ahead and try my best to explain it. I’m terrible at writing, my prose are awful, but I will do my best. If anything is unclear feel free to point it out and Ill try to explain it better.

    I’m sorry its long, but I wanted to talk about a lot of angles on this topic.

    If you want the shortest version, its like this: Its when people believe things like: Oh we don’t have to worry science will save us from X problem.

    A good example of this I hear very often is, its okay we are stealing lithium from lands owned by indigenous people from Bolivia and overthrowing their government, and there isn’t even enough lithium to convert all cars to electric even if we used up all their drinking water and destroyed the beautiful lithium salt flats.

    We are just doing that until we come out with X battery. And like “cold fusion” that X battery is always on the horizon, and so we continue coup the Bolivian government to try to install right wing fanatics who will give the US and EU the lithium.

    I can name like 4 batteries that are often said that are coming out and so its okay to start producing EVs without any concern for the consequences; because they will be able to switch the battery with a cheaper, safer, and one made of more abundant resources.

    Or like Elon Musk will save us, or some billionaire will save us.

    There is also this like cult of tech “wizards” or not really sure what term to use, but basically people believe there are this group of tech geniuses that solve the worlds problems. And so you don’t have to worry because they will invent something and everything will be okay.

    **Except the problem is; global warming, or better said climate instability, is a minor problem in a giant web of problems about to cause total cascading ecological collapse. And ecologists have been screaming about this but no one listens; a great review article published by nature **

    This is an open access article, its a great read, doesn’t take a ton of knowledge of ecology or anything to understand it. I can summarize if for you though or answer any questions you have about it.

    There is no technological solution for this; the problem is fucking capitalism.If we don’t stop it, it will destroy the planet and not like in 50 years, like within the next 10. And the estimates ecologists and climate scientists give are always much more optimistic than reality; every time. I could be that people in power realize if people realize how fucked we are, society might start unraveling; like immediately.

    **Basically ecosystems, niches where animals live, have feedback loops that keep them stable, like a buffer in chemistry. And these feedback loops have been falling apart at alarming rates. Meaning the ecosystems are going to start collapsing rapidly and like dominoes they will cause each other to change because its a giant complex system that we can’t even model on a fucking computer **(AI is bullshit btw. Its fucking laughable, we are not even remotely close to being able to model a brain, we have 3 interesting algorithms and a lot of bullshit marketing hype)

    So there is no saving us through technology; it can help, it will be important, but its not going to save us. One of my goals in life is to become a drone pirate and steal packages just because I can think of many ways to do it without ever getting caught. Same techniques would probably be helpful in Palestine. And that technology being used to liquidate a society, will be used at home to liquidate undesirable populations. If they are going to test weapons, we should be testing defenses, or counter-attacks-- but never pretend that technology or programming or science alone will cause a cease-fire or stop the war

    Sooo most technology or even science communities on the internet have this optimistic view that don’t worry about global warming, science will solve it. Like how we bred dwarf wheat as the population skyrocketed saving us from mass famine. And these old examples are always used to prove: that everything will be okay. But those examples don’t have any meaningful connection to our current situation.