But why be vegan? For what purpose? I dont get it please explain?

  • @muntedcrocodileOP
    -19 months ago

    They don’t. Here’s a very clear example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broiler#Welfare_issues

    so here we are talking about egg birds then u send me to a wikepedia page for meat birds thay uave nothing to do with the discussion we are having. Yes everyone on this planet who isnt a complete moron knows how badly factory farmed chicken is it aint news but for what we are discussing it a strawman.

    I take care of a flock of over 100 rescued egg laying chickens who are suffering due to medical conditions related to their breed.

    I call bull prove it

    Even if what you said was true, egg laying chickens are typically slaughtered at 1-2 years when they can live up to 8 years, healthily, in the wild.

    So u would eat the eggs of a hen that was allowed to live its full life? Up to 8 in the wild huh mine that are very much domesticated regularly live to that age.

    You are the exception, and even you mention that you still bought them.

    We baught like 5 years ago purly for the genetics and have been crossbreeding from there since. Should i have not purchased them should i have let them go to a regular egg farm? Or is not supporting the industry more important than the lives of my chickens?

    Again, you are the exception. Very few others do this as it is not profitable. Animals are not eaten after they’ve grown old and sick.

    Ok im the exception does that mean the eggs from my hens are vegan and i can eat em?

    There is no humane way to kill someone who doesn’t want to be killed. Watch this and tell me it’s a good life.

    Didnt whatch it but i assume its showing a bunch of meat birds crammed into a shed with about the size of an A4 paper per chicken with fucked legs health issues etc. Hence i keep my own chickens who do live a good life. U say kill someone chickens and almost all animals for that matter are not someones they dont even have self awareness go test it with a mirror urself, they arguably have less conciousness than chagpt and i dont see anyone protesting for the rights of a literal rock.

    Animals that haven’t yet been born into existence do not feel anything. Animals that have been born do. This feels like a pro-life argument spun into something anti-vegan.

    The animals i kill go from feeling safe and happy to feeling nothing without even realising it so they dont feel a thing.

    Wait are u pro life or pro choice? If one is to be vegan then one is to not to eat an egg and i would assume killing a fertilised chicken egg is worse (i did that 6 times today for breakfast but as u said “Animals that haven’t yet been born into existence do not feel anything”) how can u beleive that and symultaniously believe in pro choice? How can u not eat a chicken egg yet kill a human egg? This leads to 2 possibilities 1: its fine to eat chicken eggs if the chicken had the ability to concent. or 2: you must be pro life and agree with the far right dogma. What is it?

    Btw I like the dotpoints makes things very efficient.

    1. i believe u said deliciouse in ur original comment and unfortunstly that is mutualy exclusive to being cheaper than non vegan. U can either have vegan and cheap but tasts like (in my opinion) shit millions of literaly unobtainable flavours (not opinion objective). Or u can have more expensive than non vegan with heigly proccessed vegan meat and cheese alternatives etc (obtain the unobtainable flavours at the price of being more expensive than a puece of meat egg fish honey etc.

    2.The Least Harm Principle May Require that Humans Consume a Diet Containing Large Herbivores, Not a Vegan Diet

    1. Cooking non-vegan is a superset of vegan cooking, and ill admit there are many great vegan food items and all of them make a wondefull side to a piece meat they canot however replace that meat lest they invoke a monitary coat heigher than that of meat.

    2. Mate im from australia and there is one thing we dont have a lot of and thats water. The water requirements of plants humans can eat that can replace the part that meat has in our (my) diet requure far more of that shit. U know what happilly eats grass that requires no addional watering other than what natrualy falls on it even in aus beef. Those machines work really hard and really efficiently at collecting all those nutrients spread extrordinarily thin across a vast landscape unable to sustain many human crops and puts it into one nice little compact disc of goodness called a steak. Vasr majority isnt what we should be doing but u seem to think we should burn the whole system down instead of fixing the one we have.

    Dont the meat and dary industry have investments in all the vegan alternative tho? Plus one really should be supporting small independant farmers not big industrial titans like the onea that drive the vegan markwt viewing it as simply another niche to concer and extract profit from (cos statisticly vegans come from first world rich countries)