More than 5% of global emissions are linked to conflict or militaries but countries continue to hide the true scale

  • @Grogon
    5 months ago

    Thats just not going to happen sadly.

    We could basically say: if no one would listen to these insane leaders we wouldn’t have war either.

    Why on earth do Russian and Ukraine people kill each other? Most of them are friends. Why do a lot of Israeli kill Palest and vice versa? Most of them are friends besides those few insane humans who hate each other.

    Only 1% of the people that are going through war want the war. The other 99% don’t want it.

    My grandma told me stories of soldiers in WWII (france, germany, uk, usa) drinking nights with each other and having a good time.

    many other examples of american soldiers drinking with people from China, North Vietnam, Laos, etc. And all agreed: war sucks.

    It’s interesting because in the end only one person wants the war and millions of other people are involved.