I’m thinking about adopting a cockatiel As of right now I’m taking care of a little sparrow unable to fly from a friend of mine It awakened some bird love inside of me, and I did find cockatiels really cute and easy to get

So any advice about them, on a daily basis, what should I know before hand, what not to do, what should I prepare for, etc Would be very appreciated, thanks!

  • @KijinSeijaM
    22 years ago

    Yes, letting the bird get used to the cage is usually recommended for the first week or two. Every bird is different though, so it’s best to see what your bird is comfortable with. Some birds are naturally more shy and apprehensive than others, and need extra time inside the safety of the cage to feel comfortable before interacting with humans. Other birds (like my Snow and Jaina when they first came home) will want to play with you right away. If you want to be extra safe, it’s best to leave your new bird in the cage undisturbed for a while and see how it behaves.