Starting in 1948, the Arab and Muslim world had stolen the land and exiled around 900,000 Jews.

The reason you NEVER heard this discussed at the same time as Palestinian land being stolen or right of return is exclusively the fact that the MHGA crowd has no principled argument. While they cry about the Palestinian Arabs they will never mention what happened to the Jews.

A REALLY fascinating aspect of this, is if you applied the same unique (and bullshit) UNRWA definition of refugee to these Jews, then there would be millions of them who these alt-left should be calling for their “right of return” across the arab and muslim world. Funny how that’s NEVER happened.

  • rivermonsterOPM
    1 year ago

    EDIT: The downvotes for me telling the user that I’m busy but not ignoring them are fucking HILLARIOUS. You people are seriously mentally ill.

    I don’t want you thinking I’m ignoring you or your points which I think are perfect for a meaningful discussion. But I’m tired AF, have 3 death threats to report to law enforcement, and then I’m going to crash.

    So again, sorry for the delay but I will attempt to answer you in earnest tomorrow.