Greetings! This is my first post on Lemmy and excited to see a DW sub already exists.

TL;DR - recently hit a second wind with Classic Who and really want to finish it before New who’s return in November

I’ve been a fan of new who since I was around 10 or so. Started off with Tennant and worked my way through 11 and ended up at 12th first season which just finished airing at the time. It fell out of my interest for many years only to be picked up again during flux. Not flux itself, it only reminded me how much I miss 9-12. During a rewatch it really got me thinking about classic who. Soon after I started watching that too! Started with Tom baker then jumped from timelord to timelord. Eventually I got burned out of classic who and put it on the shelve for awhile. With hype building for doctor 14 & 15 it got me thinking of the classic series again and how much I want to finish it before November. I’ve kept track of my watch progress with this excel document

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -

Would love to hear who your favorite doctor is from either new or classic who

  • @Thedoctor8545OP
    12 years ago

    The classic series is definitely not for everyone and it’s definitely a bog to watch sometimes. Especially the first two doctors. While great doctors I do find there story’s way harder to sit through, besides a few absolute gems. If you ever do find yourself interested in the classic series again I’d highly recommend jumping around from doctor to doctor at the start. That’s how I found my interest and looking at a “top 3 stories for each doctor list” on Reddit or Google helped show me what the show had to offer.

    As much as I love the classics, new who will always have my heart. My favorite is definitely Matt Smith’s doctor. While some stories could leave a little to be desired I found Matt’s performance eccentric yet charming. 12 was definitely my next favorite with some great story arcs along with some not so great ones. I felt like he gave that character his all and had great companions to back him up for series 9 & 10

    I tried my hardest to enjoy Jodie Whittaker doctor but I think the portrayal falls short in a few different ways mostly let down by a poor script. We’ve had a good handful of female characters with great writing come through the show so it’s sad she didn’t get the same opportunity. Out of her entire run there’s only a very select few I’d consider rewatching.