Hey, painters! I’m in a bit of a dilemma and could really use your advice. I’ve been thinking about getting into the miniature painting hobby, but I can’t decide between the Gamemaster Character Paint Set and the Reaper Miniatures Learn to Paint Kit. My main goal is to explore this hobby and determine whether it’s something I enjoy and want to continue investing my time and money in.

  • @Shialac
    22 years ago

    It kinda depends on what you want. My first tip would be to look around your appartment, maybe you have some old miniatures or even toys lying around, or a board game that comes with miniatures.

    There are somewhat cheap miniatures bundles on sites like Amazon, depends on what kind of minis you want. Maybe you have a Warhammer Store close to you, they usually have a Free Miniature every Month to test out paint schemes etc. (very often you can even try out their paints there, so you wouldnt even have to buy those for now)

    Maybe you have a Tabletop/Pen&Paper Store or club nearby, there is probably people there with some leftover Minis they would be glad to gift someone new to the hobby, especially if someone has a 3D printer