Not sure I entirely agree with the article but there is a good point in there about understanding the constraints that development is bound by. But it takes a lot for designers to become proficient enough to do what they need in code, just as the opposite is true with developers doing design.

  • HaruOP
    12 years ago

    I’ve never actually used Axure before but looks interesting so may have to check it out.

    I know what you mean about end users, a lot of the time they don’t understand what it means for their experience until they can actually use the product.

    One frustrating thing that both design and development can have where I work are those clients who work exactly like that. They’ll agree and love designs that fit their requirements, and even agree with UX. But when it comes to actually using it want a lot of changes. We’ve found with those people it’s because prototype tools don’t give the experience they need to finalise a solid decision.

    (I’m a developer by trade, but academically from a design background.)