Not looking for and dadvice here; more of a dadvent. Just had a sweet and apparently normal conversation with my 9yo about stuff going on in their world. Everything is fine; I recognize it as a normal and healthy processing of some shit that has gone down in our family.

I know it’s good to listen while they process this stuff, but damn. They way kids can be so brutally straightforward about how fucked up it is. And, it’s just what they (we all) have to deal with, and they are doing it.

We had a little talk over dinner and now they’re doing their usual evening chill, and I’m rocked! So, like I said, I needed to vent a little. I’m not freaking out!!

(P.s. No, this isn’t about whatever truly horrific situation you might imagine. It’s relatively mild, but still consequential for our family, and something we’ll get through as well as anyone can.)

  • @zipsglacierOP
    110 months ago

    Thanks; it’s an ongoing thing, and something I was aware of before. I was caught off guard more by how they were processing it, not really by the basic facts. But, we’re good. Hanging together.