>be me
>was kinda popular in HS
>our friend group had an orbiter and we all stuck around after graduation
>now in college
>orbiter has gotten closer with some members of the friend group I guess
>he gets on my nerves because he can’t just find his own group
>last week he texts me
>“hey man do you wanna grab lunch together? I’m buying”
>think he’s just trying to suck up to me
>say sure but blow him off
>he texts me again a couple days later
>“we can just grab a beer if you want, I just wanna catch up”
>why wont this guy take the hint
>just leave him on read
>ffw like two weeks
>find out from my friends that he asked each of us individually if we wanted to grab dinner
>everybody else said yes
>find out he got a big inheritance and gave each of them around $1000
>his “best friend” he bought a new phone and gave him $4000 for tuition

guys i fucked up bad. 1000 dollars would unironically change my life right now

  • @MrJameGumb
    68 months ago

    That’s like almost 2 mortgage payments. If you were on the verge of eviction it might be life changing I guess.

    $1000 is also just enough to buy a probably very shitty used car. That could change someone’s life if it helped them get a job.

    That could also buy groceries for several months if you were waiting for a new job to start

    Probably none of this would apply to Anon of course, since he has never had a job and lives in the basement at his elderly mothers house…