One of the two former officials said Biden is sending a political message but not one that is based in logistical reality.

“You can’t shove back 8,000 migrants a day without the Mexicans’ approval,” the former official said. “What you would create is frantic surges in the weakened parts of the border.”

Vulnerable parts of the border have previously included remote areas of Arizona, such as Lukeville, and Del Rio, Texas, where over 10,000 Haitians massed in 2021, overwhelming the resources of Border Patrol.

Another former official said some Customs and Border Protection rank-and-file agents and officers are upset that Biden would talk about “shutting down” the border because it could lead to more turmoil and not a solution.

“It seems to be strictly political,” the second former official said. “CBP and Border Patrol are pretty upset at this point.”

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  • @Alteon
    17 months ago

    I agree that something needs to be done, there’s not infrastructure in place to handle this sort of flow of people, but I think most people’s issues has been with Texas’s handling of the issue. Death traps in the rivers and razor wire are not okay, stealing peoples children during the Trump Era was not okay either.

    Biden said he’d shut the border down but apparently lacks the ability to do so. I’m not exactly a knowledge expert on the border crisis, I believe my original point of this not being a move to sway Republican voters still stands.