The future Republican voter base is basically: white Evangelicals/homeschool kids, white dudes who own (or aspire to own) an ATV or Jet Ski dealership, and 4chan/Reddit/Discord users who are being ironically racist/sexist but will soon drop the comfort of irony and just be racist/sexist.
I just assumed the latter 2 weren’t necessarily religious like the Evangelical homeschool kids who go to Liberty University or wherever.
The future Republican voter base is basically: white Evangelicals/homeschool kids, white dudes who own (or aspire to own) an ATV or Jet Ski dealership, and 4chan/Reddit/Discord users who are being ironically racist/sexist but will soon drop the comfort of irony and just be racist/sexist.
I just assumed the latter 2 weren’t necessarily religious like the Evangelical homeschool kids who go to Liberty University or wherever.