I’m looking to buy more CDs and expand my depth and breadth of metal music appreciation. Instead of “greatest hits” I’d like a studio (or live) album that is a shining example of a great band.

I’ll start:
Ratt: Out of the Cellar

This was Ratt’s breakthrough hit and debut album that put them on the map. Several hits on this disc like “Round and Round”. Also a couple great songs that were not hits like “Lack of Communication” and “I’m Insane”.

Edit To Add: Some great responses below, thanks! Please feel free to ponder further and add to your response or respond again with other bands!

  • @ShunkW
    31 year ago

    If you like their style, there’s lots of other blackgaze out there. Mol, An Autumn for Crippled Children, Lantlos, and Violet Cold are some of my favorites.