I think AI is neat.

  • @fidodo
    11 year ago

    It doesn’t need to be intelligent to be incredibly powerful because a ton of human intelligence has already been transcribed into the words it was trained on. It can still perform tasks that require intelligence because it can pull from human intelligence via what humans have written. It does mean that it’s limited by a combinatorial of what intelligent text was fed into it, but the vast majority of tasks we perform are not novel so it can still automate most tasks. It becomes incredibly powerful when you start making it so meta programming, so it’s calling functions and responding based on their output. It can even write full on programs to assist itself in performing logic. The hard part that were working on in the space is adding the necessary safe guards it needs to be reliable and stay on task. It reminds me of the early days of the Internet. Right now everyone’s just figuring out what’s the right way to work with this tech, but once the frameworks are on place to provide those safe guards I think the potential is on par with the kind of impact that the Internet had.