• @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    This isn’t the first time the christofacists have created a snitch line and had it filled with junk spam. What makes them think “this time it will work!”

    • @joel_feila
      51 year ago

      A complete lack of self awareness

        • @dumpsterlid
          1 year ago

          The thing about conservatives is they are babies, they can’t handle an actual policy discussion and they don’t care. They just want a story about a bad guy to hate and they don’t care about any aspect of reality that doesn’t interface with that story they like. In the conservative viewpoint of the world NOTHING matters except narratives pre-processed into those little applesauce juice packs for kids that they can slurp up without having to use a spoon.

          If you start talking about the boring reality of governments and movements (I hate that “organizing” is a perfectly accurate term for building movements lol but that’s exactly what the work is) how change happens through policy making and how those policies can have reallllly annoying details that make them backfire or have the opposite impact they are supposed to (CAFE regulations with trucks and gas mileage in the US) conservatives just shit their pants and start screaming at you.

          Conservatives would really like to be able to enjoy their baby food without someone else (them it is always them) making another steaming turd appear in their pants, ruining the whole experience yet another time, but it almost never happens which is why they are so angry all the time. They are babies.

          • @DrPop
            11 year ago

            Conservatives like using numbers over statistics until it matters. I remember them comparing the BLM move protest to the Jan 6 insurrection by quoting property damage as a justification. I have to speak to their emotions and hopefully makes some sort of connection before I can even begin to get them to understand my side.

            • @dumpsterlid
              11 year ago

              Exactly it is precisely like talking to a child

    • @TengoDosVacas
      21 year ago

      I’m sure they expect it. They’ll try to fascism with it anyway