It can be like this even when you are 18

  • @[email protected]
    338 months ago

    Nicotine is terrible for anxiety, it’s a stimulant not an anxiolitic. I have anxiety and started smoking when I was 16, not because of anxiety but because I’m an idiot. Don’t do it. Vapes are healthier than cigarettes, if you’re already a smoker. Don’t start vaping if you weren’t previously addicted to nicotine, it’s not good for you. Nicotine isn’t good for you. And it’s not going to help your anxiety. Quit while you can before you’re stuck with a habit that’s nearly impossible to kick

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      Nicotine could have caused my anxiety when I think about it now.

      Maybe there was some base level of anxiety I just had but the constant withdrawals cannot be good