Lawyers for Donald J. Trump and his co-defendants are seeking to have Fani T. Willis disqualified, accusing her of a conflict of interest because of a personal relationship with a prosecutor she hired.

  • @TropicalDingdong
    25 months ago

    Time lines matter. Mistrials matter. Wasting of public funds matter. The perception of this being seen as a witchhunt by corrupt Democrats matters. You can’t treat this in a vacuum as if what is happening around the trial doesn’t matter. Its not simply a matter of what the jury believes that matters, and their beliefs and perceptions don’t exist independently of the world that is happening around the trial.

    Fani Willis has delivered a gift to the Trump campaign and the authors of project 2025. Justice has been compromised by her actions, and if I were writing odds on justice being served in this case, I would give it 9/10 that Trump walks (because of the actions of Willis to date) in spite of having done precisely what he is accused of having done.